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Auction Calendars

We continually track the auction dates in all 67 counties in Florida and upload a new calendar every month.  There are two views: Sorted by Auction Date and Sorted by County.

View Calendar Sample

View Properties on Post Pages

All Tax Deed Properties are on their own page with all the details and links you need.

View Property Post Sample

County Information Pages

We have a page for each of the 67 Counties with all information and links you need for that county.

View Clay County as a Sample

View Properties on Table/List

All Tax Deed Properties shown on a table that makes it easy for you to scan through for what you seek. You can also Filter and Search the table.

View the Demo Table/Properties List

View Properties on a Map

All Tax Deed Properties are shown on a Map. You can Zoom in and Click any property to open the full details about that property. Even vacant land properties are mapped!

View a Demo of the Map


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